
In the scope of the Italian Partnership - Partenariato Esteso “Security and Rights in CyberSpace” (SeRiCS), FBK is participating in the “Spoke 4: Operating Systems and Virtualization Security” project “Securing Containers (SecCo)”, and in the “Spoke 5: Cryptography and Distributed Systems Security” project “Secure and TRaceable Identities in Distributed Environments (STRIDE)”.

SecCo aims at supporting the secure development and deployment of containerized applications on distributed and heterogeneous architectures.

The goals of STRIDE include supporting the secure, protected, and accountable identification of entities and actions through digital identity and access control.


  • Funding: The project SERICS (PE00000014) is funded under the MUR National Recovery and Resilience Plan funded by the European Union --- NextGenerationEU..
  • Website: Official website.

Related Publications

2023 (2)

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    On Pseudorandomness and Deep Learning: A Case Study
    In: Applied Sciences (Appl. Sci.), Volume 13, Issue 5 (DOI)

Involved People

Alessandro Tomasi

Alessandro Tomasi

Riccardo Longo

Riccardo Longo

Stefano Berlato

Stefano Berlato