Topics in Applied Cryptography 2024

Co-located with the CIFRIS24 conference
Rome, Italy, September 25-27, 2024

Scope & Topics

Topics in Applied Cryptography 2024 (TAC2024) is a workshop dedicated to cryptography with a specific application, scenario and/or technology in mind, including performance evaluation, libraries and implementation issues, hardware and IoT, attacks and vulnerabilities, and requirements for unusual application scenarios; purely theoretical results are out of scope. Topics of interest include privacy enhancing cryptography, homomorphic encryption, secure multi-party computation, quantum key distribution, and quantum-safe cryptography.


The workshop is developed within the SEcurity and RIghts in the CyberSpace (SERICS) foundation framework ( The Foundation’s main purpose is scientific and technological research and, in this perspective, it is established to be the implementing entity of the extended Partnership “SERICS - Security and Rights in CyberSpace” financed following the participation in the Public Notice “for the presentation of Proposals for the creation of “Partnerships extended to universities research centers, companies for the funding of basic research projects” - as part of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, Mission 4 “Education and Research” - Component 2 “From Research to Enterprise” - Investment 1. 3, funded by the European Union - NextGenerationEU - Notice No. 341 of 15.3.2022.


The program will be defined and made available after the notification to authors. The structure of the workshop is as follows:

Friday 27th September 2024

Workshop Presentation

Riccardo Longo (TAC 2024 General Chair)


Invited Speaker

Transparency, Trust, and Accountability

Abstract: transparency logs (tlogs) are a powerful tool that makes it possible to bring accountability where it is unpractical to improve trust. In this talk, we'll discuss their mechanism, practical instantiation, and applications.

Filippo Valsorda (full-time independent open source maintainer)


Contributed Talks

Lova: A Novel Framework for Verifying Mathematical Proofs with Incrementally Verifiable Computation

Noel Elias (remote presentation)


HASHTA: Share and compute securely your data

Amit Chaudhary (Work-in-Progress)


Extensible Decentralized Verifiable Refreshable Secret Sharing Protocol with Extension to Threshold Access Trees for Wallet Key Recovery

Sara Montanari (Work-in-Progress)


Coffee Break


Improving Security and Performance of Cryptographic Access Control with Trusted Execution Environments

Stefano Berlato (Lightning Talk)


On the combination of Searchable Encryption and Attribute-based encryption

Enrico Sorbera (Work-in-Progress)


Round Table

Discussion and community feedback on hot topics, involving as much as possible the whole audience


Call for Papers

The full call for papers for TAC2024 is available here.

Important Dates

  • Submission deadline: July 25th, 11:59 pm AOE (updates possible until July 29th, 11:59 pm AOE) Extended: August 1st, 11:59 pm AOE (updates possible until August 2nd, 11:59 pm AOE)
  • Notification to authors: August 20th


  • Chair Riccardo Longo, Fondazione Bruno Kessler (

  • Organizing Committee:
    • Alessandro Tomasi, Fondazione Bruno Kessler (;
    • Chiara Spadafora, University of Trento - Department of Mathematics (;
    • Silvio Ranise, University of Trento - Department of Mathematics and Fondazione Bruno Kessler (;
    • Stefano Berlato, Fondazione Bruno Kessler (

  • Program Committee:
    • Alessandro Barenghi, Polytechnic University of Milan;
    • Alexandre Debant, LORIA;
    • Andrea Basso, University of Bristol;
    • Andrea Bracciali, University of Turin;
    • Andrea Visconti, University of Milan;
    • Antonia Wachter-Zeh, Technical University of Munich;
    • Cecilia Boschini, ETH Zurich;
    • Davide Carboni, Uncommon Digital;
    • Marco Baldi, Polytechnic University of Marche;
    • Maria Eichlseder, Technische Universität Graz;
    • Pierrick Gaudry, LORIA;
    • Svetla Petkova-Nikova, KU Leuven;
    • Veronica Cristiano, Telsy.

Related Projects

Involved People

Riccardo Longo

Riccardo Longo

Alessandro Tomasi

Alessandro Tomasi

Stefano Berlato

Stefano Berlato